Serving Absolute Freshness for Every Need

At Frosala, we believe that seafood should have more than just great taste. We're on a mission to redefine frozen seafood by combining culinary expertise with sustainable practices. Join us on a truly delectable journey, where every dish tells a story.

They Have Trusted Frosala
Where Quality and Sustainability Go Hand-in-Hand
Frosala was born out of a shared vision of empowering local farming communities while sustainably managing the rich natural resources of Indonesia’s coastal areas. Realizing how seafood is mostly regarded as a luxury dish, with an unbalanced supply throughout the nation, Frosala aims to empower the local market and provide high-quality and sustainable seafood for every table.
    What Makes Us Different
    Simply Sustainable, Simply Fresh Seafood
    • Origins
      Our shrimp and dory are sourced from professional and sustainable farms.
    • Unique Qualities
      Processed without harmful chemicals, our shrimp and dory are free of potential allergens.
    • Culinary Versatility
      Fried, grilled, or sautéed, our products transform every recipe into a culinary masterpiece.
      Our Commitment to Sustainability
      Sustainable Sourcing
      We partner with smallholder farms and fisheries that implement sustainable practices, ensuring to source our seafood responsibly and traceably.
      Minimum Footprint
      We ensure a short post-harvest chain for our products, which maintains quality and minimizes our environmental footprint.
      Farmer Assistance
      We actively engage with local farmer communities, supporting livelihoods and introducing technological practices to support their cultivation.
      Join Us in Making a Difference through Our Community Program
      Connect with fellow seafood industry players and enthusiasts and engage in exciting activities!