
How to Store Shrimp in the Refrigerator to Keep Its Quality Longer

12 September 2024
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Storing shrimp correctly is key to maintaining its quality until it is served. Shrimp that is not stored properly will experience degradation in terms of flavor, texture, and aroma. Although you may have bought the shrimp in frozen condition and stored it in the fridge, there are several important steps to follow to keep its quality longer. How to properly store shrimp in the fridge? Check out the simple steps in this article!

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How to Store Shrimp in the Refrigerator

Basically, high quality frozen shrimp will have a long shelf life as long as it is stored properly. Follow the steps below to maintain the shelf life of the shrimp you buy:

1. Don’t remove the shrimp from the packaging

Frozen shrimp usually comes in a special packaging to protect it from damage. Opening the packaging too early can cause shrimp to undergo oxidation and lose its quality.

2. Transfer shrimp into the freezer immediately

Make sure not to leave the shrimp at room temperature for too long. The faster the shrimp is moved to the freezer compartment of the refrigerator upon arrival, the longer the shrimp will stay frozen and at prime condition.

3. Maintain freezer cleanliness and capacity

The normal temperature for freezers is -18°C or lower. However, the circulation of cold air in the freezer can be disrupted if the freezer is too full. Make sure not to store too many ingredients in the freezer. Also, remove the frost that forms regularly to avoid degradation of shrimp quality, as frost causes shrimp to have an unpleasant smell when cooked.

4. Place shrimp in the deeper part of the freezer

Avoid storing shrimp by the door or side of the freezer as the temperature in this area tends to be warmer. Instead, place it in the deeper part of the freezer, where the temperature is more likely to be stable.

5. Keep the freezer door closed

Opening the freezer door too often may cause temperature fluctuations which degrade the shrimp’s quality. If you have to open the freezer to place new ingredients inside, close the freezer door immediately afterwards to maintain shrimp quality.


Storing shrimp in the refrigerator can be done by following these steps to keep the shrimp in good quality for a longer period of time:

  1. Don’t remove the shrimp from the packaging 2.Transfer shrimp into the freezer immediately
  2. Maintain freezer cleanliness and capacity
  3. Place shrimp in the deeper part of the freezer
  4. Keep the freezer door closed

By following these tips, you can ensure that the shrimp you have bought can be kept longer with well-maintained quality, flavor, and texture when cooked.

Looking for high-quality shrimp with guaranteed quality? Trust Frosala to fulfill your needs! Frosala shrimp are harvested from professional farms and processed using same-day freezing, ensuring their quality is always well-maintained. Order Frosala now!